Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Weather Channel

Today I am going to be taking a virtual tour of The Weather Channels new HD studio and work space. The new station is state of the art and environmentally friendly. This New Building includes at least four different rooms, the anchor room, the interview corner, a side room and the work desks. This new HD Weather Channel building is very functional with an open floor plan. A circular anchor desk located smack in the middle,  swivels 360 degrees, which allows numerous options for camera angles. The studio also includes a green screen that is lit internally and swivels 180 degrees and functions for both the interview corner and the side room. There several massive HD television displays and they are very impressive. The Weather Channels ability to purchase all of the building materials needed with in a 500 mile radius helped to support the local communities. It also includes a very nice set of work desks made out of all natural environmentally friendly products. All together I feel the The Weather Channel has made several good advancements and they can only go up from here. I feel that The Weather Channel building compared to the New York Times building is minuscule. I adore the New York Times building because of its architectural and artistic layout.

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