Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CBS thought

Hello again WWW,

Brooke again continuing my blogs for Mass Communications in Society. Todays topic is about Media convergence and the basic fundamentals of story telling, does todays modern media follow long lived traditions? Does the love of story telling matter, what about clear and vivid language, or the respect for history? HECK YES they matter, without the love of story telling then we would not want to read the articles posted on the internet today. The purpose of the internet is to provide information to the willing public. If the authors of those articles and stories did not have a love of telling them then their works would be unbearable.

What about clear and vivid language, does that matter? Without clear and vivid language articles, books, newspapers (etc.) would be boring and bland. They would not be pleasing to the eye or to the mind. I believe that flavorful language is required when there is a willingness to write. Also, what about respect for history? I also believe that it is a must to admire history. George Santayana once said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I strongly believe this and I also believe that most writers have a deeply rooted respect for history.

In the video "Media Convergence" directed and produced by the staff of Sunday Morning they state how these basic requirement are a must for the digital media in todays society. Check it out for yourself!!! CBS Convergence Video.

Well it's getting late and a girl needs her beauty rest, for classes in the A.M.!!!

Stay classy San Diego!

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