Monday, January 30, 2012

Social Interaction

Hello once again,

Today I will be discussing "Does the internet isolate people from social interaction, or does it in fact foster social interaction? I personally believe that the internet fosters social interaction. Before the internet humans only communicated with those they have direct contact with in their personal lives. Now people can talk to others on the opposite side without long distance charges!!
There are several social media sites dedicated to furthering social interaction. It only allows to foster our relationships we already have and creates new ones at the same time. An article titled Social Media: The Internet and Social Interaction authored by Sandra Delgdo she says that "Entertainment seemingly soothes our anxieties, temporarily providing an escape." I also believe this, television to some acts like an relaxation technique after a long days work or stressful evenings. 

I personally enjoy the time I spend on social media sites and I enjoy creating new relationships. The World Wide Web was created for the sole purpose of gathering people and allowing people to have an abundance of information at their finger tips daily, I believe that it does just that.

See you soon,


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