Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Poor Richard

Well hello there it's me once again...

Today I am going to be talking about Wit and Wisdom from the poor Richards Almanack  by Benjamin Franklin. I found a few words of wisdom in Ben Franklins almanack that truly spoke to me. Under the category of Contentment and Discontentment Franklin quotes " Poor have little, Beggars non; the rich to much, enough not one." He is saying that wether man is rich, poor, or beggar he will always want more and it will never be enough. Mankind is naturally greed and can never seem to have enough, this quote seem to catch me on my blind side. I realized no matter how much we have if we are not content it will never be enough.

Another quote for the Almanack says "If a man could have half of his wishes he would double his troubles." Think back on all of the wishes you had ever made, are you happy that a few did not come true? I sure know I have  few! Another quote by Ben himself states "Who is Rich? He that rejoices in his portion." Benjamin Franklin was a wise man with great insight, by saying this he is meaning never want more then what is rightfully yours, do this and you are rich.

With these many quotes and insights to contentment and discontentment it makes me realize that I need to be happy with what I have and not always search for more. Being content means being happy, being content also means being rich not matter what your bank account balance is!

Thanks for listening I hope you check out the book. Till' next time!!


1 comment:

  1. It's always hard to just pick one! There are so many good words of wisdom in that book.
