Friday, February 24, 2012

End of paper?

Dear anonymous,

This week in my  Mass Communications in society class we are talking about newspapers and whether or not they are able to keep up with today's advancing technologies. With today's digital media convergence on the home front new and re-invented technologies come out each and every single day. Newspapers seem to have been put on the back burner. Are newspapers slowly falling down the economic crapper, or will newspaper be able to keep up with new media?
Newspapers have begun to limit their distribution. They started out on customers door steps every day of the week and now they seem to only show up on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Could this be because of the world wide web and the available information to media consumers?
I believe that newspapers are starting to realize what needs to be done in order to keep businesses afloat, meaning digital news. Almost every large newspaper in America has developed a website that has all the up to date information on it for example The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post which are only a few of the top newspapers in America today. In order to keep up with changing times they know that it is necessary to go digital, even local media and local newspapers have begun to go digital for example The Manhattan Mercury, which I begin to see less and less of in newspaper dispensers around Manhattan. What do you think, are newspapers falling short or are they adapting to today's society and coping with the changes?

Sincerely with regards,


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