Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lets ban books!

Today for my Mass Communications class I am learning about the different banned books around the United States. Can you imagine that the Merriam WWebster and American Heritage dictionary are banned in a California Elementary. That is outrageous!!! There were many other books on Huntington Post's top 11 most surprising banned books. among some of the books on the list are James and the Giant Peach , The Diary of Anne Frank, Little Women, A Light in the Attic, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? Some of these books were books that I grew up with, and I liked to read allot. They were the books that shaped my childhood. The Diary of Anne Frank was a inspirational story of a young girl that suffered through the Holocaust and I love learning about people in real life situations. I think that these stories are what children need to tell them things about real life that their parents cannot. I feel that the only bad things about these books are the negative connotations that adults put on them. Children do not notice these kinds of actions in books, especially not in Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? All they care about is the colorful pictures and the beautiful lettering. Nothing is wrong with the dictionary its sole purpose is to give knowledge and we are taking that exact thing away from children by banning books.

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