Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Napster or iTunes?

Hello again,

Long time no see! Today in my Mass Communications in Society we are talking about Napster and iTunes and which we prefer. I personally prefer iTunes simply because I have an iPhone and a mac, so the software is compatible and when I download a song it converts its self to my phone automatically with the cloud.
However, I am having some difficulties with iTunes, HELP!!!!! If any one knows the solution to this I would be extremely happy. Here is my dilemma, when I try to play a song (that I purchased on my old PC) on my laptop or try to transfer them to my iPhone I cannot, It tells me that I must De-authorize  my old computer and authorize my Mac to play the selected music. The problem here is I do not know my old account information.
Oh, iTunes you hurt me so good! Because of this I have thought about other music sources but I am not willing to have my account information on Napster (I do not trust them) and I do not want to deal with the hassles of transferring music again. this being said I will most likely always me an iTunes user, simply for the convenience purposes.
When trying to decide which music source to use consumers must look at: Costs (iTunes only charges per song whereas Napster charges per month no matter how much content you with to download), Software compatibility, and diversity of programs and their uses. After you consider these options which would you choose iTunes or Napster?



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