Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Great Train Robbery


Today I am watching the movie The Great Train Robbery and will be writing a detailed review about it's contents. I have never thought about being a movie critic but let us see if you enjoy my review. The Great Train Robbery was copy write 1903 and produced my Edwin S. Porter. Now this movie was not the first made but it is one of the more popular from its time. it is a short ten minuet movie about, you guessed it a train robbery!!


The movie starts out in a train station when two men hold up the clerk with guns, they then knock him out and tie him up, all the while there is a train pulling into station. The men then hide and sneak on board the train just before it takes off. A scene depicts and man realizing the robbers are on board, he then locks the safe and throws out the key, then a gun fight entails. They proceed to explode the safe and steel the money from inside. The men then climb into the conductors cabin where again there is a fist fight. They make the conductor stop the train, hold him at gun point and detach the locomotive from the rest of the train. They then make the passengers get off and the robbers take all of their personal belongings. A man is shot for trying to run. The scared passengers are frisked and forced to give up their belongings, the robbers then jump aboard the locomotive and take off. The robbers then stop the train further down the tracks and run away as speedily as possible, to a place where they have horses waiting for them. Then the movie shoots back to the train station and a little girl has found the clerk and wakes him up. The the scene flashes to what seems to be a celebration of some sort, the railway station clerk runs in and tells the party about the heist and they all run out in a hurry. There is a gun show down and many one of the robbers is shot. Then the great battle entails and eventually all the robbers are shot and killed.

I think that for its time the movie is fantastic. I believe it is an accurate portrayal of events that occurred in during that time. I also like how the entire movie is black and white but any time some one shoots a gun the bullet leaves a yellow trail of dust to emphasis the shots. I loved how it was a short film and I believe that it has great production value for 1903. In today's world I would probably give it 1 star but for the era I would give The Great Train Robbery 5 stars. Let me know what your opinion it?

Hasta Pronto,


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