Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ethical Decisions

Today in my Mass Communications class we are talking about ethical decisoin making and what all entails good ethics. On the website NewsU.org there is a self taught course titled Introduction to Ethical Decision Making. There are many subcatagories in the course and it may take the average user about 3 hours to complete it. Some of the subcatagories that I learned about were; Accuracy and fairness, Cnflicts of interest, Deception, Diversity, Online ethics, Photojournalism, Plagerism, Privacy, and Source/reporter relationship. One of the catagories that I found interesting and learned a lot about was online ethics, becuase almost every thing that I do in my day to day life is online. This section of the course states:

"Online journalists face many of the same ethical challenges that their brethren in newspapers, TV and radio struggle with. But there are ethical issues unique to the online world that confront everyone from traditional mainstream journalists who have moved online to the thousands of independent bloggers who practice various forms of journalism."

On this section there are three articles pertaining to online ethics; On the Ethics of Linking: Indianaplois Story, The Begginging of the End of the Ad Hoc Era, Helter Skelter No More: A Revolving GuideBook for Online Ethics. I personally enjoyed the last article which states the different precautions that you should take when conductiong activity on the internet. I believe that individuals should pay more attention that good ethics. I feel that in todays fast paced world sometimes people can forget to hold a standard of ethics while conducting business or social networkign online.

See you soon,


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