Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Old Time Radio Shows

Hey there me once again.
Today I am switching my topic from iTunes and Napster to Old Time Radio Shows. Right now I am listening to an old time radio show called Manhattan at Midnight. This radio broadcast was aired in 1964. That was so long ago, It is as old as my parents.
Back in the day when television was still new and radio was still popular these kind of radio shows were popular. The question before me is whether or not I could sit in front of the radio for an extended period of time and listen to a half an hour or hour long broadcast?
I think that if I grew up when radio was still popular I would probably indulge in radio broadcasts. I enjoy stories and commentary. However, I am a visual learner and I think that it would be very hard for me to be able to imagine the entire story as it was laid before me. Maybe it is because of television that I am a visual person, maybe it is because I do not use my hearing the way I use my vision.
I sit in front of the television at night time why would I not sit in front of the radio and listen to stories. One of the upsides of the radio is that you do not have to sit still and pay attention. you can still get the just of the story while doing dishes, and I always enjoy multi-tasking. What about you, do you think you could sit and listen to the radio for your favorite stories? Check out these Old Time Radio shows and see if there are any that catch your ear!

Cannot wait to chat again,


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Napster or iTunes?

Hello again,

Long time no see! Today in my Mass Communications in Society we are talking about Napster and iTunes and which we prefer. I personally prefer iTunes simply because I have an iPhone and a mac, so the software is compatible and when I download a song it converts its self to my phone automatically with the cloud.
However, I am having some difficulties with iTunes, HELP!!!!! If any one knows the solution to this I would be extremely happy. Here is my dilemma, when I try to play a song (that I purchased on my old PC) on my laptop or try to transfer them to my iPhone I cannot, It tells me that I must De-authorize  my old computer and authorize my Mac to play the selected music. The problem here is I do not know my old account information.
Oh, iTunes you hurt me so good! Because of this I have thought about other music sources but I am not willing to have my account information on Napster (I do not trust them) and I do not want to deal with the hassles of transferring music again. this being said I will most likely always me an iTunes user, simply for the convenience purposes.
When trying to decide which music source to use consumers must look at: Costs (iTunes only charges per song whereas Napster charges per month no matter how much content you with to download), Software compatibility, and diversity of programs and their uses. After you consider these options which would you choose iTunes or Napster?



Friday, February 24, 2012

End of paper?

Dear anonymous,

This week in my  Mass Communications in society class we are talking about newspapers and whether or not they are able to keep up with today's advancing technologies. With today's digital media convergence on the home front new and re-invented technologies come out each and every single day. Newspapers seem to have been put on the back burner. Are newspapers slowly falling down the economic crapper, or will newspaper be able to keep up with new media?
Newspapers have begun to limit their distribution. They started out on customers door steps every day of the week and now they seem to only show up on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Could this be because of the world wide web and the available information to media consumers?
I believe that newspapers are starting to realize what needs to be done in order to keep businesses afloat, meaning digital news. Almost every large newspaper in America has developed a website that has all the up to date information on it for example The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post which are only a few of the top newspapers in America today. In order to keep up with changing times they know that it is necessary to go digital, even local media and local newspapers have begun to go digital for example The Manhattan Mercury, which I begin to see less and less of in newspaper dispensers around Manhattan. What do you think, are newspapers falling short or are they adapting to today's society and coping with the changes?

Sincerely with regards,


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lets ban books!

Today for my Mass Communications class I am learning about the different banned books around the United States. Can you imagine that the Merriam WWebster and American Heritage dictionary are banned in a California Elementary. That is outrageous!!! There were many other books on Huntington Post's top 11 most surprising banned books. among some of the books on the list are James and the Giant Peach , The Diary of Anne Frank, Little Women, A Light in the Attic, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? Some of these books were books that I grew up with, and I liked to read allot. They were the books that shaped my childhood. The Diary of Anne Frank was a inspirational story of a young girl that suffered through the Holocaust and I love learning about people in real life situations. I think that these stories are what children need to tell them things about real life that their parents cannot. I feel that the only bad things about these books are the negative connotations that adults put on them. Children do not notice these kinds of actions in books, especially not in Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? All they care about is the colorful pictures and the beautiful lettering. Nothing is wrong with the dictionary its sole purpose is to give knowledge and we are taking that exact thing away from children by banning books.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Poor Richard

Well hello there it's me once again...

Today I am going to be talking about Wit and Wisdom from the poor Richards Almanack  by Benjamin Franklin. I found a few words of wisdom in Ben Franklins almanack that truly spoke to me. Under the category of Contentment and Discontentment Franklin quotes " Poor have little, Beggars non; the rich to much, enough not one." He is saying that wether man is rich, poor, or beggar he will always want more and it will never be enough. Mankind is naturally greed and can never seem to have enough, this quote seem to catch me on my blind side. I realized no matter how much we have if we are not content it will never be enough.

Another quote for the Almanack says "If a man could have half of his wishes he would double his troubles." Think back on all of the wishes you had ever made, are you happy that a few did not come true? I sure know I have  few! Another quote by Ben himself states "Who is Rich? He that rejoices in his portion." Benjamin Franklin was a wise man with great insight, by saying this he is meaning never want more then what is rightfully yours, do this and you are rich.

With these many quotes and insights to contentment and discontentment it makes me realize that I need to be happy with what I have and not always search for more. Being content means being happy, being content also means being rich not matter what your bank account balance is!

Thanks for listening I hope you check out the book. Till' next time!!
