Friday, May 4, 2012

The Screening Room

After touring a movie studio it only seems right that I create another movie review.
Editor, director and photographer, Shawn Christensen produced a short film titled brink, which was a production of Fuzzy Logic Pictures. The film was one of the top movies on display at the Tribeca Film Festival. The short films portreys a man in his early to mid 20's who has fallen in love with his best friend. He writes her a note professing his love and drops it in her mail box. As he awaits her replay we realize that the earth is losing gravity and every one soon will perish. There are short clips of film one entails african american men playing basketball and the ball is simply hovering over the ground. I feel that this symbolizes their life hanging in the balance and the final loss of gravity will be their end. I also feel that there is another message intertwined in this short story, which symbolizes how love can defy gravity. At the very end, the man and his best friend meet on a roof and she professes her love back to him, they kiss for the first time. Then after they decide that they never want to leave each others side (all in non-verbal communication) they tie their legs together in hopes that it will eternally bond them, gravity or no gravity.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Warner Brothers Studio Tour

Today I am taking another virtual field trip, the Warner Brothers Studio. I'm super excited! One of the first of many departments housed on the studio lot is the Property Department where over 10 million props are stored. another department includes their Warner brothers museum, which displays the Harry Potter sorting hat, any batmen mask every used, a few wax figurines and many many more items. A bright and shinny glass case houses all of Warner Brothers Oscars. The gigantic studio is located on 110 acres and houses over 29 different sound stages. The lot also includes Stage 16 on of the tallest sound stages in the world. This stages has been used to film movies like Jurassic Park and Ghostbusters, among many others. Warner brothers also has an entire museum dedicated to their picture cars. These cars include the Ghostbuster car, the bat mobile (the tumbler), which holds a Chevy 350 engine. Also the General Lee, made famous by the Dukes of Hazard, along with the Scooby Doo Mystery Mobile. Needless to say this studio is of epic proportions, considering the numerous amount of movies, television shows, and talk shows that have been produced and recorded there.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Weather Channel

Today I am going to be taking a virtual tour of The Weather Channels new HD studio and work space. The new station is state of the art and environmentally friendly. This New Building includes at least four different rooms, the anchor room, the interview corner, a side room and the work desks. This new HD Weather Channel building is very functional with an open floor plan. A circular anchor desk located smack in the middle,  swivels 360 degrees, which allows numerous options for camera angles. The studio also includes a green screen that is lit internally and swivels 180 degrees and functions for both the interview corner and the side room. There several massive HD television displays and they are very impressive. The Weather Channels ability to purchase all of the building materials needed with in a 500 mile radius helped to support the local communities. It also includes a very nice set of work desks made out of all natural environmentally friendly products. All together I feel the The Weather Channel has made several good advancements and they can only go up from here. I feel that The Weather Channel building compared to the New York Times building is minuscule. I adore the New York Times building because of its architectural and artistic layout.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

New York Times Tour

Today I am going to be taking a video tour of the New York Times recently opened building. The are a World ranked newspaper and they deserve a building to match. The building is quite large and archetypal. The lobby has three different entrance points and is has an atrium garden. The entire building is almost entirely transparent. the purpose of this is to break down the boundary between the restless world and the newsroom, creating and unspoken connection between the city and its paper. The newsroom and the cafeteria have a very very open floor plan connected by a series of steps.the newsroom is surrounded by buildings on both sides. The cafeteria was built to give the effect of a magic carpet that is flying across the city. The building also has  an amazing 360 panorama view of the entire city from the top, lobby, newsroom and cafeteria. This new building is beautifully constructed with much meaning hidden behind the architecture. It almost speaks to the public.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Record Studio Tours


Today in my Mass Communications class we are taking online virtual tours of digital recording studios and comparing them with the current music industry. There are 4 studios on the tour list, the first being Blue Jay Recording Studios located in Carlisle, Massachusetts. It is a high class, high tech recording studio designed to be tranquil and placed out of the way regular foot traffic. Blue Jay Recording Studios is a mix of simplistic and modern design and has a very large floor plan. They have recorded artists like Yo-Yo Ma, Areosmith and Billy Joel. The next on the list is Soho Studio in London. They are an average sized studio located in England and they cater to comfort and quality. They have recorded artists like Akon, Kiley Minogue, and Cinematic Orchestra.
The third on our list for tours is Radio Ready Studio in Virginia Beach, VA. They are located on the beach and have great equipment to work with. Although it is not exactly a high class studio it has recorded for artists like, the Wu-Tang Clan, Universal Studios, and Def Jam. Last but not least on our tour is Pachyderm Recording Studio located in the woods of Cannon falls, Minnesota. The studio has many amenities which include a guest house, a pool, a sauna, over 5000 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms and a recording studio that has multi purpose rooms. They have recorded every one from Nirvana to Mudvayne. I would assume that I learned many new things about the recording industry including that not many studios are located in popular venues. most are of the beaten path.

Hope you found this helpful,


Friday, April 20, 2012

State of Media

Hello again everyone,

Today I want to talk about the state of the media, and the subjects main reporting website This website details all the main mediums for media. Each link takes you to a basic case study for; Special reports, Newspapers, Online Media, Network TV, Cable TV, Local TV, Magazines, Audio, and different ethnic media. This website details a case by case basis on the state of the media as it is today. It also shows various statistics and data from the different media groups. This website helps determine where the media is today and were it may end up in the future. I liked this website a  lot because it lets you see the differentiation within the media subgroups. I  feel that no matter what medium,   media will always be a major influence. I for one and proud to be able to say I am an advertising major, because I  feel that media has a very bright future.Check out the website for yourself.

Leave comments......


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ethical Decisions

Today in my Mass Communications class we are talking about ethical decisoin making and what all entails good ethics. On the website there is a self taught course titled Introduction to Ethical Decision Making. There are many subcatagories in the course and it may take the average user about 3 hours to complete it. Some of the subcatagories that I learned about were; Accuracy and fairness, Cnflicts of interest, Deception, Diversity, Online ethics, Photojournalism, Plagerism, Privacy, and Source/reporter relationship. One of the catagories that I found interesting and learned a lot about was online ethics, becuase almost every thing that I do in my day to day life is online. This section of the course states:

"Online journalists face many of the same ethical challenges that their brethren in newspapers, TV and radio struggle with. But there are ethical issues unique to the online world that confront everyone from traditional mainstream journalists who have moved online to the thousands of independent bloggers who practice various forms of journalism."

On this section there are three articles pertaining to online ethics; On the Ethics of Linking: Indianaplois Story, The Begginging of the End of the Ad Hoc Era, Helter Skelter No More: A Revolving GuideBook for Online Ethics. I personally enjoyed the last article which states the different precautions that you should take when conductiong activity on the internet. I believe that individuals should pay more attention that good ethics. I feel that in todays fast paced world sometimes people can forget to hold a standard of ethics while conducting business or social networkign online.

See you soon,


Friday, March 23, 2012

Internet Safety?


In today's society with advancing technology there is an increasing interest in the protection of children. There have been a few websites that have dedicated their time and resources to do just that. Many companies have developed computer games for children to help them avoid bad situations for children. One of my favorite games was created by Microsoft and co-created by Bad Guy Patrol and Alberta children's services. The game is a group of wild animals that play characters, that compose a group named the Bad Guy Patrol. They were created to assist children with safely browsing the Internet. The characters are Thinking Owl, Chatting Charlie, Block em' Betty, and Careful Cara. This game leads children through a Base camp and they must answer a series of questions before they can acquire the flag for that level. There are four levels that the children must complete. I believe that if schools impose a rule requiring children to play these games then our children will be more protected.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Censoring Filthy Dirty Muck!!

Today in my Mass Communications class we are taking a look at censorship, who is regulating us and why?

In 2010 there was a case before the 11th Circuit Court dealing with the production of pornography on the Internet. A man produced pornographic material in California and an investigator in Florida viewed it. In this case the content clearly violated the states indecency laws and the court found:

"the materials might be legal where they were produced and almost everywhere else. But if they violate the standards of one community, they are illegal in that community and the producers may be convicted of a crime."

How is this possible, if a non-pornographic picture was published in Kansas, which may be seen and obscene in some states, and a resident of the state of Georgia opens the picture. How can the publisher be responsible, it is the World Wide Web. I feel that the courts have only seen a few of these court cases and I also feel that the Supreme Court is going to do there best to avoid a constitutional review in these situations. They will focus on community standards rather than looking at obscenity laws legality under the first amendment. 

Tastes change in correlation with times and laws that were adequate two years ago will no long have legal ground today and may be over turned. With the Internet moving at such a rapid pace and indecency, profanity, and obscenity laws barley being able to keep up, I feel that the Supreme Court should try and stay one step ahead of the game and create laws that apply to modern technologies and censorship. This in turn may avoid any conflict or controversy in the future. 

On another note, the FCC regulates broadcast and cable and their indecency, obscenity, and profanity laws are extremely vague. In the more recent past consumers have been criticizing whether there laws are in violation of first amendment rights. No one is regulating the Internet therefor with out any federal laws or federal agencies regulating this mass communication then should there be any legal implications. If something is legal in a community and illegal in another it should not be the publishers responsibility to monitor its views, that would not be possible or probable. I feel that the ISP's (Internet service providers) should be at fault in this instance. They provide Internet to specific communities, therefor they should be liable if something is deemed indecent by contemporary community standards. 

Thx 4 reading,


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Green Screen

Hello again, 

Today in my Mass Communications class I am looking at the concept of green screens. The use of green screens is a relatively new concept. Green screen, also known as chroma key is a method used by filmmakers which mixes two separate pictures to create and entirely new picture. This works by making the blue or green background transparent in order to show the images on a final product or a third screen. This technique of filming is also known as color keying, blue screen, and color separation overlay. It's initial purpose was weather reports. Green screen originated in the 1930's and has been used ever since to recreate and create realistic screen shots that were previously unachievable. The creation of the green screen opened new doors for special effects crews and was the beginning of a new era for movies and television shows alike. 

In an article by Marshall Brian from the website How Stuff Works, Brian summarizes the green screen process, "The two scenes might be shot separately on two pieces of film and then be combined onto a third piece of film using a technique called optical composting. The two pieces of film are projected onto the third piece of film in a composting a digital shop, the two pieces of film are digitized, combined frame by frame in the computer's memory and then written out to a third piece of film with a film printer." I am not an expert on modern or even recent technology but it seems that using a green screen is a very in-depth and drawn out process which requires focus on minor details. I have seen the use of green screens on shows such as local weather, sports shows, comedy skits, and I am sure I have seen numerous movies that use the green screen effect. With this kind of technology out in the open it makes me wonder… How many videos are real? 

Thanks for stopping by,


Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Great Train Robbery


Today I am watching the movie The Great Train Robbery and will be writing a detailed review about it's contents. I have never thought about being a movie critic but let us see if you enjoy my review. The Great Train Robbery was copy write 1903 and produced my Edwin S. Porter. Now this movie was not the first made but it is one of the more popular from its time. it is a short ten minuet movie about, you guessed it a train robbery!!


The movie starts out in a train station when two men hold up the clerk with guns, they then knock him out and tie him up, all the while there is a train pulling into station. The men then hide and sneak on board the train just before it takes off. A scene depicts and man realizing the robbers are on board, he then locks the safe and throws out the key, then a gun fight entails. They proceed to explode the safe and steel the money from inside. The men then climb into the conductors cabin where again there is a fist fight. They make the conductor stop the train, hold him at gun point and detach the locomotive from the rest of the train. They then make the passengers get off and the robbers take all of their personal belongings. A man is shot for trying to run. The scared passengers are frisked and forced to give up their belongings, the robbers then jump aboard the locomotive and take off. The robbers then stop the train further down the tracks and run away as speedily as possible, to a place where they have horses waiting for them. Then the movie shoots back to the train station and a little girl has found the clerk and wakes him up. The the scene flashes to what seems to be a celebration of some sort, the railway station clerk runs in and tells the party about the heist and they all run out in a hurry. There is a gun show down and many one of the robbers is shot. Then the great battle entails and eventually all the robbers are shot and killed.

I think that for its time the movie is fantastic. I believe it is an accurate portrayal of events that occurred in during that time. I also like how the entire movie is black and white but any time some one shoots a gun the bullet leaves a yellow trail of dust to emphasis the shots. I loved how it was a short film and I believe that it has great production value for 1903. In today's world I would probably give it 1 star but for the era I would give The Great Train Robbery 5 stars. Let me know what your opinion it?

Hasta Pronto,


Bue Store or Red Box?


Today in Mass Communications this question was brought up, do you prefer the Blue store (referring to blockbuster and other DVD rental stores) or do you prefer the Red Box style?
Well I certainly have preferences! I actually do not have cable so my nightly routine consists of watching Netflix and Hulu Plus. I prefer these because Hulu Plus and Netflix are only $8/month. THAT'S CHEEP!!!! Netflix has an assorted variety of reruns that you may find on T.V. today and many awesome movies. It has many shows like River Monsters or Miami Ink, and many movies like Dazed and Confused or the new Disney movie Tangled.
Hulu Plus has many newer television shows like up to date Jersey Shore or the new hit show Revenge (my personal favorite) but most of the movies on Hulu plus are out of date and black and white. I prefer a mix of both because it gives me a wide variety of shows I can watch and I am not limited.
On occasion I do run down to Digital Shelf (a local movie rental in Manhattan, KS) and rent new releases or shows that I may have and urge to watch. So I guess the answer to the question would be that I prefer the digital version of movies and entertainment. What do you prefer?

TTFN (ta-ta for now),


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Old Time Radio Shows

Hey there me once again.
Today I am switching my topic from iTunes and Napster to Old Time Radio Shows. Right now I am listening to an old time radio show called Manhattan at Midnight. This radio broadcast was aired in 1964. That was so long ago, It is as old as my parents.
Back in the day when television was still new and radio was still popular these kind of radio shows were popular. The question before me is whether or not I could sit in front of the radio for an extended period of time and listen to a half an hour or hour long broadcast?
I think that if I grew up when radio was still popular I would probably indulge in radio broadcasts. I enjoy stories and commentary. However, I am a visual learner and I think that it would be very hard for me to be able to imagine the entire story as it was laid before me. Maybe it is because of television that I am a visual person, maybe it is because I do not use my hearing the way I use my vision.
I sit in front of the television at night time why would I not sit in front of the radio and listen to stories. One of the upsides of the radio is that you do not have to sit still and pay attention. you can still get the just of the story while doing dishes, and I always enjoy multi-tasking. What about you, do you think you could sit and listen to the radio for your favorite stories? Check out these Old Time Radio shows and see if there are any that catch your ear!

Cannot wait to chat again,


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Napster or iTunes?

Hello again,

Long time no see! Today in my Mass Communications in Society we are talking about Napster and iTunes and which we prefer. I personally prefer iTunes simply because I have an iPhone and a mac, so the software is compatible and when I download a song it converts its self to my phone automatically with the cloud.
However, I am having some difficulties with iTunes, HELP!!!!! If any one knows the solution to this I would be extremely happy. Here is my dilemma, when I try to play a song (that I purchased on my old PC) on my laptop or try to transfer them to my iPhone I cannot, It tells me that I must De-authorize  my old computer and authorize my Mac to play the selected music. The problem here is I do not know my old account information.
Oh, iTunes you hurt me so good! Because of this I have thought about other music sources but I am not willing to have my account information on Napster (I do not trust them) and I do not want to deal with the hassles of transferring music again. this being said I will most likely always me an iTunes user, simply for the convenience purposes.
When trying to decide which music source to use consumers must look at: Costs (iTunes only charges per song whereas Napster charges per month no matter how much content you with to download), Software compatibility, and diversity of programs and their uses. After you consider these options which would you choose iTunes or Napster?



Friday, February 24, 2012

End of paper?

Dear anonymous,

This week in my  Mass Communications in society class we are talking about newspapers and whether or not they are able to keep up with today's advancing technologies. With today's digital media convergence on the home front new and re-invented technologies come out each and every single day. Newspapers seem to have been put on the back burner. Are newspapers slowly falling down the economic crapper, or will newspaper be able to keep up with new media?
Newspapers have begun to limit their distribution. They started out on customers door steps every day of the week and now they seem to only show up on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Could this be because of the world wide web and the available information to media consumers?
I believe that newspapers are starting to realize what needs to be done in order to keep businesses afloat, meaning digital news. Almost every large newspaper in America has developed a website that has all the up to date information on it for example The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post which are only a few of the top newspapers in America today. In order to keep up with changing times they know that it is necessary to go digital, even local media and local newspapers have begun to go digital for example The Manhattan Mercury, which I begin to see less and less of in newspaper dispensers around Manhattan. What do you think, are newspapers falling short or are they adapting to today's society and coping with the changes?

Sincerely with regards,


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lets ban books!

Today for my Mass Communications class I am learning about the different banned books around the United States. Can you imagine that the Merriam WWebster and American Heritage dictionary are banned in a California Elementary. That is outrageous!!! There were many other books on Huntington Post's top 11 most surprising banned books. among some of the books on the list are James and the Giant Peach , The Diary of Anne Frank, Little Women, A Light in the Attic, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? Some of these books were books that I grew up with, and I liked to read allot. They were the books that shaped my childhood. The Diary of Anne Frank was a inspirational story of a young girl that suffered through the Holocaust and I love learning about people in real life situations. I think that these stories are what children need to tell them things about real life that their parents cannot. I feel that the only bad things about these books are the negative connotations that adults put on them. Children do not notice these kinds of actions in books, especially not in Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? All they care about is the colorful pictures and the beautiful lettering. Nothing is wrong with the dictionary its sole purpose is to give knowledge and we are taking that exact thing away from children by banning books.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Poor Richard

Well hello there it's me once again...

Today I am going to be talking about Wit and Wisdom from the poor Richards Almanack  by Benjamin Franklin. I found a few words of wisdom in Ben Franklins almanack that truly spoke to me. Under the category of Contentment and Discontentment Franklin quotes " Poor have little, Beggars non; the rich to much, enough not one." He is saying that wether man is rich, poor, or beggar he will always want more and it will never be enough. Mankind is naturally greed and can never seem to have enough, this quote seem to catch me on my blind side. I realized no matter how much we have if we are not content it will never be enough.

Another quote for the Almanack says "If a man could have half of his wishes he would double his troubles." Think back on all of the wishes you had ever made, are you happy that a few did not come true? I sure know I have  few! Another quote by Ben himself states "Who is Rich? He that rejoices in his portion." Benjamin Franklin was a wise man with great insight, by saying this he is meaning never want more then what is rightfully yours, do this and you are rich.

With these many quotes and insights to contentment and discontentment it makes me realize that I need to be happy with what I have and not always search for more. Being content means being happy, being content also means being rich not matter what your bank account balance is!

Thanks for listening I hope you check out the book. Till' next time!!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Social Interaction

Hello once again,

Today I will be discussing "Does the internet isolate people from social interaction, or does it in fact foster social interaction? I personally believe that the internet fosters social interaction. Before the internet humans only communicated with those they have direct contact with in their personal lives. Now people can talk to others on the opposite side without long distance charges!!
There are several social media sites dedicated to furthering social interaction. It only allows to foster our relationships we already have and creates new ones at the same time. An article titled Social Media: The Internet and Social Interaction authored by Sandra Delgdo she says that "Entertainment seemingly soothes our anxieties, temporarily providing an escape." I also believe this, television to some acts like an relaxation technique after a long days work or stressful evenings. 

I personally enjoy the time I spend on social media sites and I enjoy creating new relationships. The World Wide Web was created for the sole purpose of gathering people and allowing people to have an abundance of information at their finger tips daily, I believe that it does just that.

See you soon,


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CBS thought

Hello again WWW,

Brooke again continuing my blogs for Mass Communications in Society. Todays topic is about Media convergence and the basic fundamentals of story telling, does todays modern media follow long lived traditions? Does the love of story telling matter, what about clear and vivid language, or the respect for history? HECK YES they matter, without the love of story telling then we would not want to read the articles posted on the internet today. The purpose of the internet is to provide information to the willing public. If the authors of those articles and stories did not have a love of telling them then their works would be unbearable.

What about clear and vivid language, does that matter? Without clear and vivid language articles, books, newspapers (etc.) would be boring and bland. They would not be pleasing to the eye or to the mind. I believe that flavorful language is required when there is a willingness to write. Also, what about respect for history? I also believe that it is a must to admire history. George Santayana once said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I strongly believe this and I also believe that most writers have a deeply rooted respect for history.

In the video "Media Convergence" directed and produced by the staff of Sunday Morning they state how these basic requirement are a must for the digital media in todays society. Check it out for yourself!!! CBS Convergence Video.

Well it's getting late and a girl needs her beauty rest, for classes in the A.M.!!!

Stay classy San Diego!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Media Junkie

Dear anonymous,

As I sit here in front of my computer, iphone and kindle notebook about to write my very first blog about Mass Communication in society (or more specifically about how much time I spend daily with media) I am beginning to realize just how much time I devote per day to my electronic devices. Don't get me wrong obviously I see nothing wrong with mass media...If I did I wouldn't be majoring in advertising WINK....WINK.... In my text book for Mass Communication in Society, titled Media Now, understanding media, culture, and technology by: Straubhaar, Larose and Davenport I read a "typical american media consumer...spends over nine and a quarter hours a day with the media!!! multiply that by the number of days in a year and you would spend almost 5 months a year with media." I thought this was absurd but now that school is back in session I probably spend that much time committed to it daily also, and with bills going through the house and senates like PIPA and SOPA who knows what my knowledge will be limited to in the future....

When I began to brake down my days, hours, and minutes spent with media, I came to a horrible realization, all of these continuous 0's and 1's bites and bytes starring me in the face daily, NO WONDER I get headaches... Lets start from the basics, of course I am a member of the number one social networking site in the U.S. Facebook (it's funny how my Mac knows how to capitalize Facebook automatically). I also use my iphone at least 3 to 4 hours a day checking e-mails, sending status updates, playing Texas-hold'em , and even solitaire. (I know right this girl has a vast amount of digital media at her finger tips and she's playing solitaire). However, I never understood twitter other then to fallow others, who wants there entire lives broadcast (besides reality T.V. stars even they are scripted to a degree.) 

I also attend the great Kansas State University EMAW!!!! All of my text books are via kindle... (here we go more 0's and 1's) and I attend an online course also not to mention any data/information searching that needs to be done is via internet. HOWEVER.... because I do spend so much of my time on the inter web I have made the executive decision to NOT have cable.... I am officially 7 months sober from all cable and satellite televisions. However I do on occasion watch Netflix or HULU on my x-box(just to stay up to date). I also have an ipod in addition to my iphone and both have separate playlists.... text messaging, I am scared to touch on that topic who knows how many of those I send in one day. Not as many as most I would assume!! Not to many social responsibilities, I can't even seem to keep up with Facebook. I would have to say that I use my technology and media for mainly school and for information, sometimes for recreation (WHEN IN ROME).... I believe that I honestly could be getting more out of my media, I could be learning more about politics and current issues.

I recently took the INTERNET JUNKIE TEST online and I am pleased to inform you that I am living with a good mix internet and reality. Wait a minute, isn't internet reality just in word/picture form. How can people possibly believe that their lives are the internet. I read an article today saying that a korean couple neglected there baby girl because they spent there nights on an online multiplayer game call PRIUS... This article is called "Some Kind of CRAZY Addiction" They actually believed that they lived in that world. Check it out. It's absolutely rediculous. I wonder what they actually did for a living....

Well It was nice talking!! See you in a week or so I'm off to my evening class in this beautiful Kansas winter weather of 22 degrees.... Wish me luck!!

Till next time,


P.s. Did you know this "we blog" is a "web log"!!!